Applications to be submitted through the F&T portal by 16 June 2021.

Leaders in the field of higher education met during the first in a series of summits organized by the ACA.

The ERC Scientific Council is aware of the negative impact of the pandemic on scientific institutions and researchers, especially…

Applicants of Erasmus Mundus, Sport and Cooperation Partnerships submitted by NGOs have more time to prepare.

The new European Bauhaus (NEB) is a creative interdisciplinary initiative of the European Commission. The NEB unites the goals of…

With the new call come new opportunities. Read the minutes of the info seminar.

The European Research Council (ERC) has published the preleminary data on proposals submitted to the ERC Consolidator Grants 2021…

The EC is organizing a series of webinars on early childhood education and care. Read the minutes of the April meeting.

On 27 April 2021, the Members of the European Parliament had their final say on the EU's 2021–2027 research and innovation…

The platform provides information about inclusive and support services for international students.