European Commission launched 11 new European Partnerships together with industry


On 14 June 2021 European Commission launched 11 new European Partnerships for 2021–2030 period, together with representants of European industry. The partnerships will thanks to investments in research and innovation contribute to delivering solutions to current societal challenges and the objectives of the European Green Deal, as well as boost European competitiveness and technological sovereignty and create jobs and growth. The partnership would for example be: European Partnership for the European Open Science Cloud, European Partnership for Clean Steel – Low Carbon Steelmaking aiming to transform the steel industry into a carbon-neutral one, European Partnership Made in Europe by applying the principles of the circular economy the sustainable manufacturing in Europe, European Partnership for Zero Emission Waterborne Transport etc.

The partnerships represent so-called ‘co-programmed' European Partnerships between the Commission and mostly private partners. The overall budget is 22 billion euro –  over 8 billion euro coming from Horizon Europe and the rest from private partners and from Member States. On 14 June the Memoranda of Understanding have been adopted to launch the Partnerships, however a signature ceremony for the Memoranda of Understanding is planned for 23 June, at the occasion of  European Research and Innovation Days.

More information can be found in the press release of European Commission.