News and events

September edition of EduCafé showed not only dilemmas and challenges, but also new approaches in education for sustainability.

Until 17 October, you can apply for the project focused on emergency sport actions for youth.

The field of research and education is now in the hands of several commissioners.

The Levebee app succeeded in the first Accelerator of the European Digital Education Hub.

The informal IGLO group brings together 28 offices representing EU member states and third countries.

On Wednesday 16 October, we are organising a webinar to give an overview of the centralised activities in the upcoming call.

Prestigious grants have been awarded to researchers from Charles University and IOCB Prague.

The Central European Joint Infodays will take place on 3-4 December in Bratislava. Don't forget to register.

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Be the first to learn about the newest events and trends in the international area of research and education and subscribe to our digital Newsletters and/or Bulletin.

CZELO’s activities

The CZELO office will provide information, consultations and guidance, and assist them in organizing meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences, conventions and other means of international cooperation in Brussels.

CZELO office follows up on the activities of the Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation.  As the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS) has taken over the management of the CZELO office in 2021, its agenda has expanded to also include the field of education.

Who is CZELO’s target group

  • Schools and educational institutions of all kinds
  • Universities and higher education institutions
  • Departments of Czech Academy of Science
  • Research institutions governed by public law and those governed by private law
  • Innovative companies
  • Governmental authorities of the Czech Republic
  • Professionals in education
  • Researchers
  • Managers of all kinds of schools and research institutions
  • Experts in the field of education and research

Information and consultation activities

  • Monitoring of latest happenings in education, science, research, and innovation policy at EU-level
  • Providing information about the latest happenings as well as expert consultations to the Czech stakeholder
  • Regular updates via newsletter and social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

Developing contacts/networking and partnerships in Brussels

  • Collaboration with other liaison offices, EU institutions, Permanent Representations of the Czech Republic to the European Union, Czech Centre Brussels, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Brussels, Czech Business Representation to the EU in Brussels (CEBRE), Regional representation office in Brussels and with other stakeholders in the field of European research and education established in Brussels (e.g. representation offices of universities, research institutions and umbrella organisations)
  • Active participation in international educational and research organisations and associations (e.g. IGLO, ACA, EUN)

Promotion of Czech education and research

  • Organising events on demand of Czech stakeholders for their promotion in Brussels
  • Providing promotion stands at relevant events and dissemination of information material
  • Presenting success of Czech research in CZELO Bulletin
  • Popularising Czech research in Brussels at Science Café events
  • Presenting Czech success in international education, disseminating the results of the Czech participation European educational programmes
  • Developing marketing activities in connection with the national initiative Study in the Czech Republic

Supporting international activities of Czech stakeholders in Brussels

  • Helping with a partner search, supporting membership in international networks and consortia, organising project meetings, brokerage events and consortia building/match-matching events
  • Providing logistic support and assistance to Czech public and private stakeholders needed for the implementation of their international activities in Brussels, a possibility to use the CZELO office for meetings, seminars and training
  • Representing Czech stakeholders at meetings in Brussels

Capacity building for project managers of research and educational institutions in the Czech Republic

  • Short-term practical training in Brussels with an aim to get learn more about the European Research and Educational Area in general, as well as the services provided by CZELO, and to develop closer personal partnerships for subsequent collaborations
  • International training organised in Brussels (e.g. CZELO Academy in a field of internationalisation in education, training of project managers with a focus on European research policy etc.)

Follow our activities

Be the first to learn about the newest events and trends in the international area of research and education and subscribe to our digital Newsletters and/or Bulletin.


The CZELO office deals with centralized activities in both formal and non-formal education and youth under the Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps programmes. At the same time, it follows developments in the area of international education, such as the European Universities initiative, the European Education Area or the European Year of Skills. It covers the topics of digitalization, inclusion, diversity and sustainability in education, and also e.g. further development of educators or micro-credentials.    Are you interested in up-to-date information? Check out our news and events, follow us on social networks or subscribe to our newsletter. We also provide opportunities for cooperation and organize various events. Find out more about the activities of our office

  • Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps

    Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps are successful European Union programmes supporting internationalization in education, training, youth and sport.  

    For the 2021–2027 period following priorities were set, which are relevant for all activities under both Programmes:  

    • inclusion and diversity; 

    • environment and fight against climate change; 

    • digital transformation;  

    • participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement. 

    More information to be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and the European Solidarity Corps Guide

  • Erasmus+ Centralized Actions

    Part of the Programme is managed directly by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the European Commission's executive body based in Brussels. Therefore, they are called centralized. 

    These include well-known and well-established activities such as Erasmus Mundus, Jean Monnet Acttions or Capacity Building, but also new initiatives such as Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, Centers of Vocational Excellence or Forward-loooking projects. Cooperation partnership projects in the field on sport are also administered at a centralized level. See a complete list of centralized actions and read more about them. 

  • European Solidarity Corps Centralized Actions

    European Solidarity Corps offers opportunities to young people to participate in volunteering projects. Part of the Programme is managed directly by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the European Commission's executive body based in Brussels. Therefore, they are called centralized. 

    These activities include Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas and Humanitarian Aid Volunteering, which have been part of the Programme since 2021. Organizations involved in these activities must hold a quality label. More information can be found on the centralized activities page. 

  • EU and Education

    Education systems remain the responsibility of the Member States. The European Union supports their mutual cooperation in this area in order to develop quality education and training in Europe. 

    In 2002, the Member States' ministers responsible for education adopted a first framework strategy with a long-term vision and common goals, called Education and Training 2010 (ET 2010). It was later followed by a second strategy (ET 2020) and in 2021 the Council adopted a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030). One of the goals of the current framework is achieving the European Education Area by 2025 and its further development. More information on the European Parliamentary Research Service.  

  • European Education Area

    European Education Area (EEA) covers all activities in the field of formal and non-formal education. It aims to support the Member States in working together to build more resilient and inclusive education and training systems in cooperation with the European Commission and key stakeholders. 

    In September 2020 the Communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025 was published, followed by the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030) in February 2021.  

    The European Education Area focuses on all levels of education, from pre-school to school and vocational education and training to higher education and adult education. Within the thematic areas, it focuses on 5 areas and in each of them sets the main priorities, activities and recommendations: 

    1. improving quality and equity in education and training;  

    1. development of teachers, trainers and school leaders;  

    1. digital education;  

    1. green education; 

    1. the European Education Area in the world.   

    More information on the European Education Area Portal. 

  • European Universities

    European Universities are a new form of international partnership that should lead to greater mobility of students and academics, the development of excellent science and research and, overall, to increase the global competitiveness of European higher education.  

    European Universities are transnational alliances bringing together higher education institutions with a common vision and long-term strategy. Alliances build on European values and strive to increase the quality of European higher education and strengthen its competitiveness at the global level, thus playing an important role in the transformation of the higher education sector towards the universities of the future.

    The Alliance aim to fulfill all the main university roles: they develop innovative approaches to education and teaching, support the development of excellent science, research and innovation, and they are actively involved on the society level. Thanks to a deeper international cooperation and a trans-disciplinary approach, alliances can significantly contribute to solving current societal challenges (e.g. in the field of health, green and digital transformation, etc.). They also enable more intensive mobility of students and employees, who can cooperate in different languages, across disciplines and regardless of borders.

    Currently there are 64 alliances, comprising over 560 European HEIs from 35 countries and almost 2 200 associated partners from NGOs, businesses, cities, local and regional authorities and other HEIs from the Bologna Process countries, including almost 35 HEIs from Ukraine. 

    The aim of the initiative was to support 60 alliances of more than 500 HEIs by mid-2024, a total of 10% of HEIs in Europe. These objectives were met and even surpassed with the latest call, which was also the last for new alliances: no call will be published in 2025 and the European Commission is preparing calls for follow-up two-year funding for existing alliances in 2026 and 2027. The 2024 call also funds the creation of a Community of Practice of European Universities to foster the sharing of experiences between alliances and to support the dissemination of the reusable results of alliances across the whole higher education sector. 

    Currently, 12 Czech universities are involved in the European Universities initiative:

    • Czech Technical University in Prague (EuroTeQ)
    • Masaryk University (EDUC)
    • Mendel University in Brno (HEROES
    • University of Ostrava (NEOLAiA)
    • Silesian University in Opava (STARS EU)
    • Charles University (4EU+)
    • Palacký University in Olomouc (Aurora)
    • VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (U!REKA SHIFT)
    • Brno University of Technology (EULiST)
    • University of West Bohemia (EUPeace)
    • University of South Bohemia (KreativEU)
    • University of Tomas Bata in Zlín (PIONEER)  

    European Universities are a flagship initiative of the European Strategy for Universities and a cornerstone of the synergies between the European Education Area to be achieved by 2025, the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.

  • European Higher Education Area and the Bologna process

    The Bologna Process is a mechanism that promotes greater coherence between higher education systems in Europe. It was launched in 1999 by the so-called Bologna Declaration, which was signed by 29 countries, including the Czech Republic. 

    Today, already 48 European countries support this intergovernmental cooperation in higher education. Under the Bologna Process, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has been set up to contribute to the internationalization of European higher education systems, their greater inclusiveness, accessibility and attractiveness on a global scale. The EHEA member states have agreed, for example, to introduce a three-level system of higher education (bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies), including the use of the ECTS credit system, or a common approach to the mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes obtained at foreign universities. 

    More information on the European Commission website and the EHEA website

  • European Year of Skills

    The European Year of Skills officially ran from May 9, 2023 to May 8, 2024. Its goal has been to support all EU citizens in acquiring relevant skills and re-skilling and up-skilling so that they can find the right job. At the same time, it focused on supporting companies in solving the skills shortages. A number of events and initiatives have taken place throughout the year, which aim to fulfill these goals. Throughout the year, a number of events and initiatives have taken place to meet these objectives. The report of the final conference can be found on the European Year of Skills website.

    In accordance with the long-term goals of the European Union, an integral part of the year has been the promotion of skills that are necessary for the twin digital and green transition. There is also a need to support universities, vocational schools and other education providers on the one hand, and companies and employers on the other, in order to reduce skills gaps and skills mismatches. Further objectives included, for example, supporting investments in lifelong learning and attracting talented people with the skills needed from outside of the EU.

    The European Year of Skills was open to anyone who organized an event that year which was related to the skills development, up-skilling or re-skilling. All activities could be added to the European Year of Skills map.

    You can find more information on the initiative's website.

  • Other programmes relevant for education

    Other programmes at European level also offer educational opportunities, such as the Digital Europe Programme or Horizon Europe (especially the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions).

    The Digital Europe Programme (2021-2027) aims to bridge the gap between digital technology research and its implementation in practice. The Programme actively supports green and digital transitions and investment in five key areas: artificial intelligence, cyber security, supercomputing, highly advanced digital skills and ensuring the widespread use of digital technologies in the economy and society (for example through digital innovation hubs).

    In the field of education, the Programme currently offers, for example, the possibility of financing the design and implementation of short-term training courses in key areas aimed at developing new skills in digital competencies. Organizations from various fields, such as professional or trade associations, universities, VET providers and others should work together on the project.

    The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions supported under Horizon Europe offer opportunities for doctoral education and post-doctoral training of researchers. The action focus on supporting excellent research and innovation and supporting researchers at all stages of their careers, through international mobilities. At the same time, the action supports the development of excellent doctoral and postdoctoral training programmes and joint research projects worldwide.

Research and Innovation

In the field of research, we focus on European programmes supporting research, development and innovation, and we actively monitor developments in the European Research Area. The main programme of our interest is the European Union Framework Programme – Horizon Europe, which is a key programme for funding research and innovation. At the same time, we cover other programmes that touch on research and innovation, such as Digital Europe, EU4Health, LIFE, EURATOM and others.

Are you interested in up-to-date information? Check out our news and events, follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter (only in Czech). We also provide opportunities for cooperation and organize various thematic events. Find out more about the activities of our office.


  • Horizon Europe

    Horizon Europe is the 9th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Commission running from 2021 –2027. With a budget allocation of € 100 billion, it will be the most important tool to support research and innovation in Europe and worldwide. The EU Framework Programmes have traditionally been the most important instruments the EU utilizes to implement its research and innovation priorities. The implementation of the Horizon Europe Framework Program will be based on the EU's political priorities for 2019–2024, which place a key emphasis on A European Green Deal, A Europe fit for the digital age and An economy that works for people. In addition, the preparation of the two-year Work Programmes of the EU Framework Programme is built upon the Recovery Plan for Europe and the Commission's Communication on the renewed European Research Area (ERA).

    Horizon Europe will be structured in three pillars, supported by activities aimed at widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area.

    Horizon Europe structure

    Pillar I – Excellent Science aims at reinforcing the EU scientific leadership through the European Research Council (ERC), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and measures aimed at the further development and use of European research infrastructures.

    Pillar 2 - Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness focuses on addressing societal challenges, supporting industrial technologies and accelerating the industrial transformation to contribute to the achievement of European and global political priorities. The second pillar is divided into six thematic clusters, which will also be linked to the newly defined European partnerships and one of Horizon Europe´s novelties – missions.

    Pillar 3 – Innovative Europe aims to stimulate, through the instrument of the European Innovation Council, the emergence and deployment of breakthrough and market-creating innovations.

    Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area should boost the involvement of excellent research teams from all EU Member States in the European Research Area, especially from countries with lower research and innovation performance, and help to further develop European research and innovation cooperation.

    Who is the programme for?

    The main target group of the programme are individual researchers or research teams working at universities, research institutions or companies. The programme is also advantageous for companies, which can utilize the opportunity to finance their research and innovation activities. Public institutions, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, civic associations, or associations associating interest groups, and other entities implementing research and innovation activities, may also participate.

    More information:

    More information can be found on the Horizon Europe national website, operated by the Technology Centre Prague, as the National Contact Point (NCP) of the Czech Republic for the Framework Program, which provides all the information needed to participate in the Framework Programme, including work programmes and corresponding calls for project proposals, conditions for participation and, finally, the contact details of NCP staff for the individual priorities of the EU Framework Program. The Technology Centre Prague  provides complete information, advisory and consulting service within the capacity of the NCP CR for the framework programme. Among other things, in order to facilitate the basic orientation in Horizon Europe, the NCP also prepared a brief brochure  Introduction to Horizon Europe (only available in Czech).

  • European Research Area

    The European Research Area (ERA) is composed of all research and development activities, programmes and policies which involve a transnational perspective. Together they enable researchers, research institutions and businesses to travel, compete and collaborate across borders.

    The aim is to provide an access to Europe-wide open space for knowledge and technology, where transnational synergies and complementarities are fully exploited. ERA is composed of activities, programmes and policies that are designed and implemented at all levels: regional, national and European.

    On 30 September 2020, the European Commission adopted a Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation, which sets out strategic objectives and actions to be implemented in close cooperation with the Member States, in order to prioritise investments and reforms in research and innovation, improve access to excellence for researchers across the EU and enable research results to reach the market and the real economy. Additionally, the Communication further promotes researchers' mobility, skills and career development opportunities within the EU, gender equality, as well as better access to publicly funded peer-reviewed science.

    The Communication defines four strategic objectives:

    • Prioritise investments and reforms in research and innovation towards the green and digital transition, to support Europe's recovery and increase competitiveness;
    • Improve access to excellent facilities and infrastructures for researchers across the EU;
    • Transfer results to the economy to boost business investments and market uptake of research output, as well as foster EU competitiveness and leadership in the global technological setting;
    • Strengthen mobility of researchers and free flow of knowledge and technology, through greater cooperation among Member States, to ensure that everyone benefits from research and its results.

    More information can be found on the European Research Area webpage.

  • COST

    The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is an EU-funded, intergovernmental framework for European cooperation in the field of scientific and technological research. Since 1971 it has been enabling the coordination of projects funded from the national resources at the European level.

    COST provides a platform for networking activities, meetings and information exchange among the researchers from program member countries and for coordination of joint research and development activities – so-called COST Actions, funded by national sources. COST consists of 40 Members, 1 Cooperating Member and 1 Partner Member. 

    More information in English can be found on the COST website or in Czech on the webpage of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.  

  • LIFE

    LIFE is the EU's flagship programme for nature, biodiversity protection and the fight against climate change. LIFE finances the eco-innovation projects that require the cooperation of science, industry and public administration, but it also supports environmental management and information campaigns aimed at changing attitudes and actions of target groups or protecting nature and biodiversity in the open countryside.

    More information can be found in Czech on the website of programme LIFE and the webpage of the Ministry of Environment or in English on the official LIFE programme webpage.


    EUREKA is an intergovernmental network launched in 1985 to support market-oriented research, development and innovation activities across all the technological sectors. It is a decentralized network facilitating the coordination of national funding for innovation.

    The main aim is to boost the productivity and competitiveness of European industries and to prevent the outflow of scientific, research and industrial innovation activities to other parts of the world. The programme, therefore, supports industry (large, small and medium-sized enterprises), research institutes and universities in the implementation of projects that lead development of new products, processes and services and their subsequent commercial use.

    More information in English can be found on the EUREKA  website and in Czech on the webpage of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.  


    The European Atomic Energy Community research and training program (EURATOM) is established for the period 2021–2025 with the aim of pursuing nuclear research and training activities with an emphasis on the continuous improvement of nuclear safety, security and radiation protection, as well as to complement the achievement of Horizon Europe’s objectives.

    The new programme will pursue the current programme's key research activities (nuclear safety, security, radioactive waste and spent fuel management, radiation protection and fusion energy), expand research into non-power applications of ionising radiation and make improvements in the areas of education, training and access to research infrastructures. Furthermore, it will support the mobility of researchers in the nuclear field in the framework of Horizon Europe's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

    The new Euratom programme will complement Horizon Europe using the same instruments and rules for participation. It will be limited to 5 years, to be extended in 2025 by 2 years in order to be aligned with the MFF 2021–2027.

    More information to be found on the EURATOM webpage.

  • InvestEU

    The InvestEU Programme builds on the successful model of the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan. It will bring together the European Fund for Strategic Investments and 13 other EU financial instruments (e.g. COSME). The programme aims to mobilise more than €372 billion of additional investments (InvestEU Fund) for the 2021–2027 period and therefore make a decisive contribution to supporting sustainable investment, innovations and to creating new jobs in Europe.

    The InvestEU Portal is a single EU-wide platform, providing an easily accessible and user-friendly database of investment opportunities available within the EU. The Portal builds on the existing European Investment Project Portal (EIPP). The InvestEU Portal brings together investors and project promoters. More information can be found on the InvestEU webpage.

    The InvestEU Advisory Hub offers advisory support and technical assistance for the identification, preparation, development and implementation of investment projects, it provides in particular support for capacity-building

  • Programme Digital Europe

    Programme Digital Europe (2021–2027) shall complement existing EU programmes, such as Horizon Europe and Connecting Europe Facility. The aim of the programme is the digital transformation of European society and economy, enhancing European competitiveness and achieving digital independence of Europe in the digital economy.

    Digital Europe supports investments in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, supercomputing tools and highly developed digital skills. The programme strives to provide Europe’s citizens with competitive jobs, better health and wide use of digital technologies in the society and economy, which could guarantee high-quality public services. One of the tools to achieve this would be the use of new digital technologies and strategic digital capacity building of the EU.

    The programme is managed in the Czech Republic by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

    More information can be found on the Digital Europe website.

  • Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

    The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) supports research and innovation projects in the areas of coal and steel. Grants from the fund are provided for research, pilot and demonstration projects outside the EU framework programmes.

    The main objective of the programme is defined as supporting the competitiveness of sectors related to the coal and steel industries. RFCS priorities in the coal sector are to improve the EU's competitive position, health and safety in mines and to improve the use of coal as a clean energy source. Research activities in the coal sector will focus on regions in transition in line with the principles of the Fair Transition Mechanism.

    In the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Industry and Trade oversees the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.

    More information can be found on the RFCS webpage.

  • EU Space Programme

    The EU Space Programme for the years 2021-2027 combines all existing space activities into a single programme. Budget for this period is €14.8 million. The EU Space Programme supports the European space industry and aims to strengthen EU space policy in the areas of Earth observation, satellite navigation, connectivity, space research and innovation, and investment support in critical infrastructure and breakthrough technologies. The EU Space Programme aims to strengthen the European Union's security and autonomy, as well as its role as a leading actor in the space sector.

    The EU Space Programme covers the core space projects such as Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS.

    More information in English can be found on the website of the EU Space Programme and in Czech on the website of the Ministry of Transport.

  • European Defence Programme

    The European Defence Fund is a programme that supports European industry's cooperative research and development capabilities. For the years 2021-2027, the budget is €7.953 billion. The programme focuses on the development and research of cutting-edge, interoperable defence technologies and equipment. Consortia from various Member States are supported by the Fund. The additional support is given to small and medium-sized companies. The fund also includes mechanisms to support supply chain access.

    More information in English can be found on the website of the European Defence Fund and in Czech on the website of the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic.

  • Interreg Europe

    The Interreg Europe programme is a cooperation programme co-financed by the European Union and aims to foster cooperation among partners from government institutions, the commercial sector and civil society from across Europe. The purpose is to help reduce disparities in development, growth and quality of life in and among European regions. In addition, the programme intends to foster the exchange of best practices and policy learning, as well as respond to specific areas such as innovation, green energy, climate change, urban mobility and governance for integrated territorial development.

    More information in English can be found on the website of the Interreg Europe and on the website of the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic.

    More information in English can be found on the website of the Interreg Europe and on the website of the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic.

  • EU4Health

    EU4Health was established in order to increase the healthcare system´s resilience. The programme will invest €5.3 billion in actions complementing EU countries’ policies and pursuing one or several of EU4Health´s objectives:

    1. To improve and foster health in the Union
    2. To tackle cross-border health threats
    3. To improve medicinal products, medical devices and crisis-relevant products
    4. To strengthen health systems, their resilience and resource efficiency

    EU4Health is implemented through annual work programmes. Actions fall under four strands: disease prevention, crisis preparedness, health systems, and digital, with a cross-cutting focus on cancer.

    Funding opportunities under the EU4Health Programme are published by the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).

    In the Czech Republic, the programme is managed by the Ministry of Health.


Partner search

Are you looking for partners for your future project? Do you already have a concrete idea and are you willing to coordinate the project? Or are you considering joining an emerging consortium? In this section, you can find offers for cooperation from various institutions that are interested in participating in the Horizon Europe or Erasmus + programs as well as other related job offers. We will be happy to help you with finding you suitable partners and to send your offers to our partner contacts.

CZELO’s events

  • 25 September 2024 - EduCafé on Education for Sustainability

    On Wednesday 25 September, together with the Czech Centre Brussels and the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU, we organised the last EduCafé of 2024. The theme was Education for Sustainability and the invitation was accepted by Miloslav Kolenatý, a senior lecturer and researcher from the Faculty of Environment at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Petra Koppová, an educator and methodologist specialising in environmental education, with a particular interest in outdoor learning, from the Lipka organisation, and Elke Vanwildemeersch, a policy advisor on Sustainability Education at the Duurzaam educatiepunt (Sustainability Education Hub) of the Department of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Flemish government. The debate was moderated by Tomáš Polák, a PR expert from the European Parliament. The discussion covered issues such as the development of transversal skills, reducing polarization through local engagement, and the vital role teachers play in inspiring the youngest generation. More information can be found on the CZELO website.



  • 13-14 June 2024 - Meeting of Czech universities involved in the European University Initiative

    On 13-14 June, we organised a meeting of 9 Czech HEIs involved in the European Universities Alliances in Brno. All Czech universities involved in the European Universities Initiative until this date, i.e. Czech Technical University in Prague, Masaryk University, Charles University, University of Ostrava, Silesian University in Opava, Palacký University in Olomouc, VŠB - Technical University Ostrava, Brno University of Technology and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, met at Masaryk University in Brno. The participants discussed current topics and common challenges and shared their experiences and knowledge. The workshop also included a round table of representatives of university management, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the National Bureau of Accreditation on joint study programmes, quality assurance and the global dimension of alliances. Beneficial discussions were enriched by foreign representatives of the CIVIS and ECIU alliances, who shared the experience and practice of these alliances and presented the SMARTT and ESEU pilot projects. More information on the CZELO website.



  • 5 June 2024 - EduCafé on EdTech

    On June 5, we held our last pre-holiday EduCafé, this time on the topic of EdTech, the combination of technology and education. The invitation was accepted by Michal Černý, deputy head of the Department of Information Studies and Librarianship at the Faculty of Philosophy of Masaryk University and guarantor of the EdTech Master's programme, and Michal Hudeček, one of the creators of the application Včelka, which supports the development of (not only) mathematical skills. The line-up of guests was completed by Ingrid Beňačková, a teacher at the European School Brussels I, in whose classroom the Včelka app is actively used. The moderator of the debate was Angeliki Psychogyiou, Project Coordinator from the ACA and specialist in digitalisation and sustainability in international higher education. The discussion touched on the topics of balance between online and offline life, but also on ethics and inclusion, as EdTech apps aim to create an individual learning journey for each pupil. More information can be found on the CZELO website.



  • 4 June 2024 - Science Café on Tactical Urbanism

    On 4 June, a Science Café focused on tactical urbanism took place. The invitation to the event was accepted by Kristina Ullmannová from the Institute of Planning and Development of the Capital City of Prague Prague (IPR) and Marie Joja from Brno University of Technology and founder of the Archipop project. Lieve De Cock, founder of the LiPS (Bridging Life.People.Space) initiative, guided us through the discussion evening. The event was co-organised by CZELO together with the Prague House in Brussels, the Representation of the South Moravian Region in Brussels and the Czech Centre Brussels. The discussion focused on introducing the concept, techniques and tools of tactical urbanism and examples of good practice from the Czech Republic. The role of research in tactical urbanism and the perception of urban space and its actors were also discussed. Finally, examples of good practice from European cities such as Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Bratislava were presented. More information can be found on the CZELO website.





  • 18 April 2024 - V4 Conference on Research Infrastructures

    In April 2024, the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO) together with offices from Hungary (NRDIO), Poland (PolSCA) and Slovakia (SLORD) organized a conference on the topic of research infrastructures. The programme introduced V4 infrastructures (The ELI-Beamlines, eLTER and Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center), their route to successful setup and different regional approaches. The first panel discussed the topics of long-term sustainability of infrastructure financing and the importance of investments.  The afternoon panel focused on legislative issues, the speakers discussed future directions and plans for the 10th framework program. You can find a summary of the event on our webpage. Photos from the event are available on the CZELO Facebook page.





  • 8 April 2024 - Czech - Taiwanese online networking

    On 8 April 2024, an online networking event was held between the Czech Republic and Taiwan focused on materials research. The event was co-organised by the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels together with the Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei. The aim of the meeting was to deepen and establish scientific cooperation in the field of materials research. During the event, the financial instruments to support cooperation and research projects together with an expertise from both Czech and Taiwanese institutions were presented. The Czech Republic was represented by representatives of four institutions: Charles University, Technical University of Ostrava, University of Chemical Technology in Prague and Czech Technical University in Prague. Speakers from National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology presented on behalf of Taiwan. The presentations covered a wide range of research topics such as quantum materials research, hydrogen storage and transport, biomedicine and biomaterials, photonics, nano-structured materials, semiconductors with demonstrations of practical testing. 





  • 11-13 March 2024 - Training for project managers from V4 countries

    The aim of the training was to enhance the professional capacity of project managers by providing them with value-added information from Brussels and thus increase their awareness of the policy context of European research and of Horizon Europe follow-up programmes and initiatives. Participants had the opportunity to present their institutions and to establish new contacts for potential future cooperation. The programme also included interactive focus group discussions on issues such as open science and plans for gender equality. The programme also included an introduction to the Horizon Dashboard platform and an interactive workshop on the PM2 project management methodology. More information on our website CZELO (only in czech language).





  • 26 March 2024 - EduCafé: Microcredentials

    On 26 March, the first EduCafé of this year took place, focusing on Microcredentials today and in the future. Diana Sýkorová and Jaroslav Švec from Charles University and Frederik De Decker from Ghent University accepted the invasion to the event. The debate was moderated by Laurin Reding from the Brussels SwissCore office. The discussion focused on the topic of microcredentials from the point of view of Czech and Flemish universities and several topics were discussed, e.g. the different approaches to the topic in these two countries, the quality assurance, the possibility of non-HEIs issuing microcredentials, the role of European Universities alliances or the use of digital tools and certificates. You can find more information on the website of CZELO.



  • 29 February 2024 - Science Café: Earth Observation

    On 29 February, Science Café focused on the usage of data and space from the Earth Observation took place. Lucie Kupková from Charles University and Petr Boháček from TRL Space accepted the invitation to the event. Vera Pinto from DG DEFIS of the European Commission guided us through the discussion. The event was jointly organized by the CZELO office, Prague House in Brussels, Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU and Czech Centre Brussels. The discussion focused on introduction a collaborative project between Charles University and TRL Space in Maldives. The aim of the project is to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the islands and protect their natural heritage. Additionally, attention was given to the pressing concerns of space debris and the challenges related to recruiting and retaining professionals within the space sector in the context of labor shortages. You can find more information on the website of CZELO.





  • 18 January 2024 - Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies. During the webinar, the participants learned about these projects and the current conditions for participation in call 2024. Jiří Kropáč, representative of the Digital TA project introduced it during the webinar and shared his experiences in preparing and submitting the project application. The application deadline is 6 June 2024. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presentation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. The webinar and the materials are in Czech. 


  • 17 January 2024 - Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Centres of Vocational Excellence within the Erasmus+ programme. During the webinar, the participants learned about these projects and the current conditions for participation in call 2024. Ivana Dobešová, headmistress of the VOŠ a SZeŠ Benešov introduced their project during the webinar and shared her experiences in preparing and submitting the project application. The application deadline is 7 May 2024. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presentation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. The webinar and the materials are in Czech. 


  • 16 January 2024 – Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Alliances for Innovation within the Erasmus+ programme. During the webinar, the participants learned about these projects and the current conditions for participation in call 2024. The application deadline is 7 March 2024. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presentation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. The webinar and the materials are in Czech.


  • 11 January 2024 – Erasmus+ Sport, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Erasmus+ Sport centralized projects. During the webinar, the participants learned about the different opportunities and current conditions for participation in the 4 types of Sport projects (Small Scale partnerships, Cooperation Partnerships, Capacity Building in the field of sport and Non-profit European Events in the field of sport). The application deadline is 5 March 2024. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presenatation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. The webinar and the materials are in Czech.


  • 10 January 2024 - Erasmus+: Jean Monnet in HE, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Jean Monnet projects in HE within the Erasmus+ programme. During the webinar, the participants learned about the Jean Monnet projects and the current conditions for participation (Modules, Chairs, Jean Monnet Networks). Karel Řepa, from the Charles University introduced their project under the Jean Monnet Module during the webinar and shared their experiences in preparing and submitting a project application. The application deadline is 1 February 2024. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presentation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. The webinar and the materials are in Czech.


  • 9 January 2024 - Erasmus+: Jean Monnet in SE and VET, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Jean Monnet projects in SE and VET within the Erasmus+ programme. During the webinar, the participants learned about the Jean Monnet projects and the current conditions for participation (Teacher Training, Learning EU Initiatives, Jean Monnet Networks). Pavel Dlouhý, deputy director at Gymnázium Zlín - Lesní Čtvrť introduced their project under the Learning EU Initiatives during the webinar and shared their experiences in preparing and submitting a project application. The application deadline is 1 February 2024. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presentation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. The webinar and the materials are in Czech.


  • 8 January 2024 - Centralised projects in the field of Youth, Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on centralised projects in the field of Youth both within the Erasmus+ programme and the European Solidarity Corps. During the webinar, the participants learned about the two programmes and the current conditions for participation in the Youth Capacity Building & European Youth Together (Erasmus+) projects and in the Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas and Volunteering in Humanitarian Aid (European Solidarity Corps) projects. The  the representatives of successful projects did not present during this webinar, but you can watch the recording of last year's webinars where project representatives shared their experiences in preparing and submitting a project application. The application deadlines are: Capacity Building in the field of Youth: 6 March, European Youth Together: 7 March, Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas: 8 February and Volunteering in humanitarian Aid: 16 April. Below you will find the slides from the webinar, a presentation with guidance on how to apply on the FTOP portal and a recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech.


  • 19 December 2023 - Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus: Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus projects, during which the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call for Design Measures and Joint Masters were presented. During the webinar, Jana Janderová from the University of Pardubice presented Erasmus Mundus Design Measures project and David Kubička from University of Technology and Chemistry Prague presented Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters project. Both shared their experience and useful tips on preparing a project with the participants. The application deadline is on the 15 February 2024. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech. 


  • 18 December 2023 - Erasmus+: Capacity Building in Higher Education: Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education projects, during which the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. During the webinar, Hana Kuzdasová from the Masaryk University presented the EPSULA project and shared her experience and useful tips on preparing a project with the participants. The application deadline is on the 8 February 2024. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech. 


  • 18 December 2023 - Erasmus+: Capacity Building in Vocational Education: Info Webinar, Call 2024

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Vocational Education projects, during which the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. During the webinar, Michaela Menšíková from the Mendel University in Brno presented the Center of Vocational Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture in South Africa project and shared her experience and useful tips on preparing a project with the participants. The application deadline is on the 29 February 2024. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech. 


  • 4, 5 December 2023 - Central European Joint Infodays

    The Central European Joint Infoday was organised by Erasmus+ National Agencies from four neighboring countries: Austria (OeAD), Czechia (DZS|CZELO)Hungary (TPF) and Slovakia (SAAIC) in Vienna. The Infodays focused on the international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme, i. e. actions supporting cooperation between Programme and Partner Countries in the higher education sector. The event mainly covered Erasmus MundusCapacity building in Higher education and Jean Monnet and it was attended by HEIs‘ representatives who are currently preparing a project applicationThe above-mentioned types of projects were introduced via theoretical presentations and also via workshops with good practice examples with successful applicants. 

    More information, including all presentations, can be found on the event website.


  • 30 November - Science Café: Gene editing & Nanorobots w/ Alžběta Ressnerová

    This year's last Science Café hosted Alžběta Ressnerová, a researcher from CEITEC and holder of the Fulbright Masaryk Fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley, specifically at the Innovative Genomics Institute where she focused on the development of platforms for the delivery of CRISPR to target cells. Alžběta presented the current debate in the field of gene editing and what the first legally permitted clinical use for specific diseases in the United Kingdom means for this field. Find more information in the article on our website.


  • 28 November - V4 Conference on Research Careers

    On 28 November 2023 CZELO together with the liaison offices of V4 countries organized a half-day conference in Brussels on the topic research careers. The event was supported by the Young European Universities Network (YERUN) and attracted around 50 participants. The invitation was accepted by Johana Kotišová (CZ), Sofia Karina Trommlerová (SK), Piotr Wcisło (PL) and Sándor Laki (HU). The discussion was devoted to international mobility, the cooperation of the academic sector with other sectors and gender inequality. You can find more information on the CZELO website.


  • 21 November - Ethics in education and research

    As part of the international higher education conference CZEDUCON, the CZELO office was in charge of two pre-conference sessions focusing on topics that it actively deals with in Brussels. One of the events was devoted to the issue of ethics in research and education. Its goal was to introduce the ethical framework in research and education to the participants both at the EU and national level, and at the same time to present an example of good practice from neighboring Austria. You can find more information on our website (only in Czech).


  • 8-10 November – V4 Training for Research Project Managers

    The aim of the training was to increase the professional capacities of project managers to provide them with value-added information from Brussels and thus raising their awareness of the political context of the European research programmes and initiative following on Horizon 2022, in particular Horizon Europe. More information can be found on our web (only in Czech).


  • 17 October 2023 – EduCafé: University Cooperation After Brexit: Focus on Czechia & UK

    On Tuesday 17 October we organized the next edition of this year’s EduCafé in Prague House in Brussels. The informal discussion evening on University Cooperation After Brexit: Focus on Czechia & UK attracted almost 60 participants. It focused on topics such as current association of UK to the Horizon Europe programme, the funding of research in Czechia and the number of learning mobilities between the two countries and potential for future UK association to the Erasmus+ programme. These topics were discussed by Jaroslav Miller, Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Science and Research, professor Jiří Přibáň from the Cardiff University and Senior Science and Innovation Adviser Otakar Fojt from the UK Embassy in Prague.

    Read more about the outcomes of the discussion in our article.

  • 7 June 2023 – Science Café: Circular Literacy

    As part of the European Commission's Green Week, the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) together with the Representation of the South Moravian Region in Brussels, the Czech Center in Brussels and the Representation of Prague to the EU organized this year's second Science Café. This time we focused on the topic of Circular Literacy. The invitation was accepted by Vladimír Kočí from the University of Chemical Technology in Prague and Pavel Zedníček from the Institute of Circular Economy. The debate was moderated by Petr Holík from Fakta o klimatu and Podcast2050. The second edition of Sciencé Café focused on circular literacy, specifically on the current issue of the circular economy in the Czech Republic and beyond, and on how companies manage to adapt to circularity. It was also about the transfer of circularity to the industrial sector, about waste management and recycling.

    You can watch the entire debate on our CZELO YouTube channel.

  • 25 May – V4 Conference on Research Security

    On 25 May 2023, the CZELO office together with the offices of the V4 countries based in Brussels and other partners organized a V4 conference on the topic of cyber security. The event took place in the premises of the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU in Brussels and attracted around 50 participants. The conference was divided into four discussion panels, each of which examined the topic of cyber security, cyber and digital diplomacy, research and innovation advancements and the regulatory framework for cyber security.

  • 10 May 2023 – EduCafé: Bridging the STEM gender gap by (and in) education

    This year's first edition of the discussion evening EduCafé, organized as part of the European Year of Skills, opened the topic of gender inequalities in education with a specific focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and with further emphasis on ICT. The guests were Johana Jonáková, director of the non-profit organization Gender Studies o.p.s., and an expert on equal opportunities for women and men and social integration, and Olga Maximová, head of the development department at the non-profit organization Czechitas, which focuses on making ICT education and careers accessible to girls and women in the Czech Republic. The discussion was moderated by Zdeňka Trachtová, a foreign correspondent for Czech Radio in Brussels.

    Learn more about the outcomes of the discussion in our article and watch the recording of the whole debate.

  • 29-31 March 2023 – V4 Training for Research Project Managers

    The aim of the training was to increase the professional capacities of project managers to provide them with value-added information from Brussels and thus raising their awareness of the political context of the European research programmes and initiative following on Horizon 2022, in particular Horizon Europe. 

  • 8 March 2023 - Science Café: Cancer Prevention

    On International Women's Day, 8 March 2023, CZELO together with the Representation of the South Moravian Region in Brussels, the Czech Center in Brussels and the Delegation of Prague to the EU organized this year's first Science Café. The spring edition of the Science Café addressed the topic of cancer prevention. Kateřina Šédová, founder of the non-profit organization Loono, and Nina Formánek Jaganjacová, founder of Sifty organization and author of the book “Cancer Stories” (Příběhy o rakovině), accepted our invitation. They emphasized during the discussion the importance of prevention, which they have long been attempting to get across to the general public. The guests also participated in the workshop of the #boobsandballs model, where they learned how to self-examine themselves the right way. More information on the CZELO website

  • 9 February 2023 - Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence: Info Webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on the Centres of Vocational Excellence projects. During the info session, the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. In the second part of the webinar, Michaela Menšíková from the Mendel University in Brno presented the PoVE Water Scale-Up project and shared her experience with the participants. The application deadline is on 8 June 2023. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech. 

  • 19 January 2023 - Erasmus+ Forward-looking projects: Info Webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Forward-looking projects. During the info session, the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. The application deadline is on 15 March 2023. Below you can find the webinar presentation and the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech. 

  • 19 January 2023 - Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation (Alliances for education and enterprises): Info Webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Alliances for Innovation (specifically Alliances for education and enterprises). During the info session, the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. In the second part of the webinar, Jana Pitrova from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague presented the Granting Access to Employment & Entrepreneurship in Agriculture for Women project and shared her experience with the participants. The application deadline is on 3 May 2023. Below you can find the webinar presentations, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the materials are in Czech. 

  • 18 January 2023 - Erasmus+: Capacity Building in the Field of Youth: Info Webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Capacity Building in the Field of Youth projects. During the info session, the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. In the second part of the webinar, Michal Hlavica from a Czech NGO Cesta rozvoje, z.s. presented the Empowering Rural Youth Organizations project (call 2020) and shared his experience and tips on finding partners and preparing a project with the participants. The application deadline is on the 9 March 2023. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the material is in Czech. 

  • 18 January 2023 - Erasmus+: European Youth Together: Info Webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised a webinar on Erasmus+: European Youth Together projects, during which the Erasmus+ programme and the information on the current call were presented. During the webinar, Marcela Kubincová from the Information Centre for Youth Jindřichův Hradec (ICMJH) presented the Giovani Progrettisti Crescono project (call 2021) and shared her experience and useful tips on finding partners and preparing a project with the participants. The application deadline is on the 9 March 2023. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the material is in Czech. 

  • 16 January 2023 – Erasmus+ Sport: Projects, Events, Capacity Building, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised an info webinar on Erasmus+ project opportunities in the field of sport: Partnerships for cooperation, Not-for-profit European Sport Events and Capacity Building projects. During the webinar, participants could learn more about these different types of projects, including their priorities, funding scheme and evaluation criteria in the currently open Call 2023. The EU policy background and relevant documents were presented as well. The participants also learnt several tips on how to prepare a good proposal and submit an application. Afterwards, representatives of two Czech sport organizations shared their experience and recommendations: Gino Schilders from the Czech Hockey Federation presented the Love is All project (Cooperation partnership, selected in Call 2021) and Jan Busta from FTVS, Charles University presented the Women in Canoe Sport project (Small-scale partnership, selected in Call 2022). At the end, the participants were also briefly introduced to the new possibility – mobility for sport staff.

    The application deadline is 22 March 2023. You can find presentations from the webinar, including the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP, and the recording of the webinar below. All the material is in Czech.

  • 12 January 2023 – European Solidarity Corps: Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas Info Webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organised an info webinar on the European Solidarity Corps: Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas. The priorities and evaluation criteria of these projects in the currently open call 2023 were presented, as well as several tips on how to prepare a good proposal and submit an application. During the webinar, the participants also learnt about the Quality Label which is a prerequisite for submitting a project proposal under this action. Afterwards, Alena Cabalka from a Czech volunteer organisation INEX, whose project RISE was selected under the call 2021, shared her practical recommendations and experience with the participants. The application deadline is on the 8 Februrary 2023. Below you can find the webinar presentation, the presentation on how to submit a proposal via FTOP and the recording of the webinar. All the material is in Czech. 

  • 11 January 2023 – Erasmus+ Jean Monnet for SE and VET: info webinar, Call 2023

    The CZELO office organized an info webinar for Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects in the fields of school education and vocational education and training. Information about these projects and about the currently open call 2023 was presented. Specifically, the webinar focused on Jean Monnet Teacher Training, the Learning EU Initiatives and the Jean Monnet networks in SE and VET.  Below you can find the presentations (in Czech), the recording of the webinar (also in Czech) and other materials. 

  • 13 December 2022 – Innovation Variety in Czech Regions

    The conference Innovation Variety in Czech Regions was held on 13 December at the Committee of Regions as part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The day-long event attracted over 60 participants and its main coordinators were the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) and the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU. The event's main goal was to raise awareness of the Czech innovation ecosystem and emphasize the significance of supporting innovation in the Czech Republic.  

    More information on the CZELO website or in the press release.

  • 29 November 2022 – Science Café: Future of GMOs

    On 29 November the CZELO office in cooperation with the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU in Brussels and Czech Centre Brussels organized this year's last Science Café on the topic of GMOs and gene editing. The speakers presented technologies that can help grow crops in ever-deteriorating conditions, the role of the scientific community in conversing with society, and debunked controversial statements that often cloud the GMO debate. The topic was discussed by Veronique Bergougnoux – head of the plant genetics and engineering research group at CATRIN – CRH of the Palacký University in Olomouc, Vojtěch Hudzieczek – researcher at the Institute of Biophysics CAS, Filip Rolland – director of the KU Leuven Plant Institute and Michael Wrzaczek – head of the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology at the Biological Centre CAS; moderated by Gary Austincircleindigo.

    More information on the CZELO website. You can find the whole debate on our YouTube channel.

  • 14 November 2022 – EduCafé: Combating Disinformation through Education

    On 14 November the CZELO office in cooperation with the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU in Brussels organized the second EduCafé, an informal discussion evening. Josef Šlerka (FF UK), Kamil Kopecký (PedF UPOL, head of the PRVOK center) and Lucie Čejková (FSS MU, Fakescape lecturer) discussed the role that education, teacher training and media education can play in the fight against disinformation. In the second part of the evening, the participants tried to escape disinformation by taking part in a shortened version of the Fakescape game for secondary schools. 

    More information on the CZELO website. Recording of the debate on YouTube (in English).


  • 10, 11 November 2022 - Central European Joint Infodays

    The Central European Joint Infoday was organised by Erasmus+ National Agencies from four neighboring  countries: Austria (OeAD), Czechia (DZS|CZELO)Hungary (TPF) and Slovakia (SAAIC). The Infoday focused on the international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme, i. e. actions supporting cooperation between Programme and Partner Countries in the higher education sector. The event mainly covered  Erasmus Mundus, Capacity building in Higher education and Jean Monnet. These types of projects were introduced via theoretical presentations and also via workshops with good practice examples with successful applicants. 

    More information, including all presentations, can be found on the event website.

  • 25 October 2022 – Webinar on the New European Bauhaus

    The Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) together with the Technology Centre of CAS has organized on 25 October a webinar on the topic of the New European Bauhaus. The aim of the event was to present the NEB initiative and stimulate discussion on this topic. The event attracted almost 90 participants.The initiative was introduced in the first part of the webinar, and participants were invited to join the NEB "Friends" and "Partners" calls. The NEB Festival and Prize, as well as upcoming Horizon Europe calls, were also discussed. The second part of the event featured case studies from the Czech Republic, including the NEB-STAR and Reclaim Žižkov projects, as well as CrAFt initiative activities. The event's recording is available on our YouTube channel

  • 12, 13 and 14 October 2022 – V4 training for Research Project Managers

    The aim of the training was to increase the professional capacities of project managers to provide them with value-added information from Brussels and thus raising their awareness of the political context of the European research programmes and initiative following on Horizon 2022, in particular Horizon Europe. 

  • September 2022 – series of webinars Find your place on the map: How to be more visible in Brussels?

    The aim of the webinars was to provide a general overview of various Brussels-based stakeholders in the field of research and education and to motivate Czech research and higher education institutions to become more active in these networks, ideally by posting their representatives to Brussels. The series was composed of 5 sessions, each focused on introducing a different group of stakeholders. Recordings of the webinars can be found on our Youtube channel.

  • 13 September 2022 – Informal discussion on the implementation of the Seal of Excellence awarded to projects of European Innovation Council

    On 13 September CZELO office together with its partners (SLORD and ELO) organized an informal discussion on the implementation of Seal of Excellence awarded to projects of European Innovation Council (EIC). Over 40 participants from Member States and Associated Countries to Horizon Europe programme attended the event. The aim of the informal discussion was to exchange best practices and experiences among stakeholders (such as ministries, regional authorities, universities and others) who have experience or are planning alternative financing for holders of the EIC Seal of Excellence at the national or regional level in individual EU Member States.

  • 4 July 2022 - Official opening of the exhibition Gregor Johann Mendel and the Trouble-Ridden Story of Genes

    The Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO) together with the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU in Brussels, the Mendel University in Brno, the city of Brno and the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU organized on 4 July the official opening of the exhibition Gregor Johann Mendel and the Trouble-Ridden Story of Genes in Brussels. The event attracted almost 50 participants and was linked to celebrations of Mendel´s birth anniversary and to the start of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU.  It is a traveling exhibition that presents the life and discoveries of the founder of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel. You can find more information on the CZELO website

  • 29 June 2022 - Matchmaking event for Cluster 6

    Close to 110 participants and 22 presenters from all over Europe and beyond joined the Matchmaking event on cluster 6 of Horizon Europe on 29 June. The event was a follow-up activity of the V4 Conference „Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships”, which took place two weeks earlier. Both the conference and the brokerage were organised by Brussels-based V4 liaison offices. The event brought the attention of participants representing various academic and non-academic institutions as well as start-ups and companies operating in the field of biodiversity, clean and protected environment, and circular economy not only across V4, but from all over Europe and beyond.

  • 13 June 2022 - V4 Conference on "Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships"

    The Hungarian National Office for Research and Innovation, together with the Czech Liaison Office (CZELO), the Polish Science Agency (PolSCA) and the Slovak Liaison Office (SLORD), organized a conference on "Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships" on 13 June. More than 150 participants gathered at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU and online. The conference was divided into two panels. Lucie Núñez Tayupanta, head of the Department for the European Research Area at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, accepted the invitation to the policy panel. For more, Associate professor Roman Grabic from the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice presented the BIOCIDE project, in which the team from the University of South Bohemia carries out analytical activities.

  • 8 June 2022 – Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation: Call 2022 webinar

    The CZELO office and the Slovak Erasmus+ national agency SAAIC organized a joint webinar on Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation in June. Participants of the event had a chance to learn about this initiative as well as about Call 2022, which is open until 15 September. This was followed by a good practice example, so potential applicants could also take inspiration from a successful project from previous call. The FTO Portal, where applications are submitted, was on the agenda as well. All presentations and the recording of the webinar can be found bellow. 

  • 7 June 2022 – EduCafé: Inclusion of pupils with migrant background in education

    On June 7, the CZELO office organized its first EduCafé, an informal discussion evening on a current topic in the field of education. The debate on the inclusion of pupils with migrant background in education attracted over thirty experts, including representatives of national and European institutions, non-profit organizations and also guests from the general public. The invitation to the discussion was accepted by Kristýna Titěrová from META, o.p.s. and Štěpán Kment from PAQ Research. The event was moderated by Martin Bogdan from ACA. The guests first debated about the inclusion of pupils with migrant background in education in general and about the development of the situation in the Czech Republic in recent years - how Czech inclusive education has progressed over the last decade, where it still has its limits or how the perception of inclusion in Czech society has changed. You can read more in the article on the CZELO website (CZ only).

  • 7 June 2022 – IGLO Open on Czech RDI priorities

    More information is available only in Czech.

  • 31 May 2022 – Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence: Call 2022 webinar

    The CZELO office and the Slovak Erasmus+ national agency SAAIC organized a joint webinar on Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence in May. Participants of the event had a chance to learn about this initiative as well as about Call 2022, which is open until 7 September. This was followed by a good practice example, so potential applicants could also take inspiration from a successful project from previous call. The FTO Portal, where applications are submitted, was on the agenda as well. All presentations and recording of the webinar can be found below (in Czech/Slovak).

  • 24 May 2022 – Science Café with Ondřej Adamovský

    The Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO) together with the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU in Brussels, the Czech Center in Brussels and the Representation of the City of Prague in Brussels organized another edition of Science Café on 24 May 2022. This time the invitation was accepted by Mgr. Ondřej Adamovský, PhD, from the research centre of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University - RECETOX. The topic of discussion was microplastics and their impact on the environment and our organisms. More information.

  • 17 May 2022 – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies: Call 2022 webinar

    The CZELO office and the Slovak Erasmus+ national agency SAAIC organized a joint webinar on Erasmus+ Teacher Academies in May. Participants of the event had a chance to learn about this initiative as well as about Call 2022, which is open until 7 September, directly from the European Commission representative. This was followed by a good practice presentation, so potential applicants could also take inspiration from a successful project from the last call. The FTOP portal, where applications are submitted, was on the agenda as well. All presentations and recording of the webinar can be found below (in English).

  • 11 May 2022 – “Inclusive Excellence” – a Global Approach for European Higher Education?

    ACA (Association for Academic Cooperation) together with its partners, including the CZELO office, organized a hybrid conference “Inclusive Excellence” – a Global Approach for European Higher Education? in Brussels on 11 May. A total of 19 speakers from the European Commission, university associations and national funding agencies discussed the evolving concept of inclusive excellence within four thematic sessions. Panellists focused on the concept of inclusive excellence in higher education and in the context of global cooperation; how to foster it at institutional, national and European level, or how to strive for both inclusiveness and excellence through student and staff mobility. Read the highlights and main takeaways on the ACA website.

  • 28, 29 and 31 March 2022 – V4 Training for research managers

    The aim of the training was to increase the professional capacities of project managers to provide them with value-added information from Brussels and thus raising their awareness of the political context of the European research programmes and initiative following on Horizon 2022, in particular Horizon Europe.   

  • 11 March 2022 – European Universities webinar

    On March 11, the CZELO office, together with colleagues from the DZS and the MEYS, organized a webinar on the European Universities initiative. The event focused on the Call 2022, also the MEYS support and results of the MICHE monitoring project were presented. Representatives of two universities that are already members of the European Universities alliances (Aurora and 4EU+) then shared their experience with participants. The event attracted representatives from 12 Czech universities and higher education institutions.

  • 10 March 2022 - webinar on gender equality in European research, innovation and higher education

    On 10 March 2022 the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) together with with colleagues from liaison offices of Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia organized a webinar on  gender equality in European research, innovation and higher education. The event attracted 165 participants and its aim was to present the latest developments in gender policy at the European Union level as well as gender initiatives at the national level of the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia. You can find more information on the CZELO website. Video recording can be found here.

  • 8 March 2022 – Science Café with Lenka Zychová

    On 8 March 2022 the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) together with its partners organized a discussion on space weather. The event attracted almost 60 participants. The invitation was accepted by an astrophysicist Lenka Zychová, who currently works as a Space Weather Scientist at the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Belgium. You can find more information on the CZELO website or watch the event recording on our YouTube channel.

  • 8 February 2022 – V4 Information Day on hydrogen research

    On 8 February the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO) together with its partners from the V4 countries organized an Information Day on hydrogen research. The event attracted almost 200 participants. The aim of the event was to present European initiatives, programmes, and partnership opportunities for stakeholders from the V4 countries, representing political, research or industrial sector. More information can be found here.

  • January 2022 – Erasmus+ Sport

    In January, DZS-CZELO, in cooperation with the Czech Olympic Committee, organized a series of information webinars on the Erasmus+ programme and the funding possibilities for international projects in the field of sports. More information, inlcuding the recordings and presentations is available only in Czech.

  • 12–13 January 2022 – Central European Joint Infoday 2022

    On 12 and 13 January 2022 the Erasmus+ National Agencies from four neighbouring countries: Austria, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia jointly oranised the Central European Joint Infoday. This year´s edition focused mainly on Jean Monnet Actions, Erasmus Mundus Actions, Capacity Building in Higher Education and European Universities initiative. More information, including webinar recordings and presentations, can be found on the event website.

  • 11–12 January 2022 – Opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe

    On 11 and 12 January 2022 the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research together with the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences organised a webinar on opportunities for social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe. The two-day event targeting the project managers aimed to provide a comprehensive overview about the funding opportunities for the social sciences and humanities that are available across the Horizon Europe. Special focus was also given to project proposal preparation, evaluation criteria and financial aspects of Horizon Europe projects. More information to be found in the official invitation

  • 2021

    26–28 April 2021 – V4 Training for research managers

    27–28 May 2021 – Mobility and Transport Days 

    29 June 2021 – Conference Earth Observations for citizens and the planet 

    21 September 2021 – CZELO Opening Ceremony

    22 September 2021 – Science Café with Tomáš Rektor

    22, 23 a 25 November 2021 – V4 Training for research managers

    2 December 2021 – Informal discussion on Seal of Excellence 

    13 December 2021 – Brokerage event on HEU Space

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Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO)

Rue Montoyer 23

1000 Brussels


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CZELO office is located in the centre of the European Quarter, close to the EU institutions

  • European Parliament – 10 minutes (700 m)
  • European Commission (Berlaymont building) – 15 minutes (1,1 km)
  • Council of the EU (Justus Lipsius building) – 15 minutes (1,1 km)
  • DG EAC – 10 minutes (700 m)
  • DG RTD – 5 minutes (350 m)
  • Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU – 10 minutes (700 m)

How to get there?

  • By metro – Trône metro station, lines 2 and 6 (2 minutes, 200 m)
  • By bus – Science bus stop, lines 27, 34, 38, 64, 80 and 95 (2 minutes, 200 m)
  • By train – Bruxelles Luxembourg train station (6 minutes, 500 m)
  • By bike – Villo! station n. 044 – Charlemagne/Karel de Grote (2 minutes, 150 m)

Airport – Brussels City

Upon arrival at the Zaventem Airport, you can continue to the city centre by train, bus or taxi. Train is the fastest option, the journey from the Zaventem to the Brussels Luxembourg Station will take you about 20 minutes. Our office is located just 500 metres from the train station. If you choose a bus, take line n. 12 and after approximately 40 minutes get off at the Trône bus stop. The stop is less than 300 metres away from the office. If you decide for a taxi, we recommend you use the official services such as Taxis verts or Taxis bleus.

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