The Levebee app succeeded in the first Accelerator of the European Digital Education Hub.

The informal IGLO group brings together 28 offices representing EU member states and third countries.

On Wednesday 16 October, we are organising a webinar to give an overview of the centralised activities in the upcoming call.

Prestigious grants have been awarded to researchers from Charles University and IOCB Prague.

The Central European Joint Infodays will take place on 3-4 December in Bratislava. Don't forget to register.

This year's third EduCafé will focus on traditional methods and new trends in sustainability education.

On 13-14 June in Brno we organised a meeting of 9 Czech universities involved in alliances of European Universities.

There are 14 newly approved alliances in the latest call, bringing the total to 64, of which 12 involve Czech HEIs.

Read the minutes from the IGLO HE working group on the topic of Council Recommendation Europe on the move.

If you want to apply for a project in the 2025 Call for Proposals, apply for the Quality Label by 24 September.