CZELO takes over IGLO chairmanship


The informal IGLO group brings together 28 offices representing EU member states and third countries.


IGLO is an informal association of liaison offices for research and development based in Brussels. The goal of IGLO is to facilitate and improve interaction, information exchange, and cooperation between network members, their national research systems, and European institutions on matters related to European research and education policy, particularly the Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ programs. The network comprises 28 offices from 26 member or associated countries to the framework program. Member offices regularly meet in various working groups, three of which are co-chaired by representatives of the CZELO office (the WG for international cooperation, the WG for higher education, and the WG for regional policy).

One of the advantages of the network is the ability to collectively negotiate with the European Commission. Thanks to this, last year a meeting with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel was successfully organized, opening a discussion with the European Commission on topics such as the popularization of science, the timely publication of work programs and other relevant documents related to the implementation of the Horizon Europe program. A key part of the discussion also focused on supporting project managers, for example, through the V4 training program, which has been co-organized by the CZELO office for the past seven years.

This time, organizing the meeting with the new commissioner will fall to the CZELO office. In addition to organizing meetings with the new leadership of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, CZELO's priority during its presidency of the IGLO network will be to actively communicate the network’s views and priorities on the upcoming 10th EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, expand international cooperation in research and innovation with third countries, support synergies between education and research, and increase the visibility of IGLO in Brussels.