Women TechEU enhances the participation of women in deep tech start-ups and promotes gender equality in technology area.

New agreement from 10 November strengthens cooperation in intellectual property and supports the market uptake of research results

The Association Agreement allows Armenia to participate in Horizon Europe under the same conditions as EU member states.

The European Commission invests €2 billion in Digital Europe. The first calls for proposals will be published during November.

The agreement can set an example for automatic recognition throughout Europe. Other countries within the EHEA are welcome to join.

The Call for Expression of Interest will be opened in the second half of November.

The UK programme enables students from UK to study and work abroad.

The Expert Group will consist of up to 15 people, with a duration of contractof 1 year. Apply until 25 November 2021.

The European Commission's newly adopted framework increases the inclusiveness and diversity in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarit

Turkey became associated country to Horizon Europe, Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. Moldova associated to Horizon Europe.