Read about the widening participation actions under Horizon 2020 and the recommendations for future programs.

Applications for projects under the Jean Monnet activity can be submitted on the FTOP portal until the 1 March.

ERIS has published a Policy Brief on Industry 5.0, a transformative vision for Europe.

The cut-off for EIC Accelerator is moved to spring 2022 due to an ongoing adjustment of the investment component of project financ

European Commission published a proposal for Council Recommendation, its aim is to guide students towards sustainability.

The Call is open until 2027 and aims to reduce the high costs of clean technologies and make European Industry more sustainable.

Newly published report provides lessons learned from H2020 in the context of focus areas and their impact on missions.

The new portal offers information about education in Europe, events calendar, useful links and also statistics.

Deadline for applications is 1 April 2022. Applications can be submitted via European Commission´s website.

Four grants are also heading to Czech research institutions.