The Digital Education Hub Community of Practice begins


On 14 February the work started on the Digital Education Hub Community of Practice

The need to create the European Digital Education Hub arose during the preparation of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). Extensive consultations have shown that the main problems and obstacles in the field of digital education include also the lack of cooperation between relevant organizations and the fragmentation of digital education policies. The Digital Education Hub should be an important part of addressing these issues, in particular by linking organizations at all levels (including linking national and regional initiatives and strategies), sharing experiences and examples of good practice and ensuring their further dissemination or supporting cross-sectoral cooperation.

Digital Education Hub Community of Practice will actively support the Centre's activities, mainly through linking large number of different organizations across all education sectors and the creation of a collaborative space (community) to share experiences, create and disseminate innovative teaching approaches and ensure their effective implementation. Thus, the Community does not aim to create new structures and communities, but rather to connect existing communities, and it will be open to all who are interested in cooperation in the field of digital education at European level.

The European Commission's last year tender to support the development of this community was won by a consortium of 7 partners and 4 subcontractors led by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. This consortium will work closely with the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) to develop the Community. The first outputs should be published on the European Education Area Portal in May this year.

In addition to the above, the Community also wants to actively offer opportunities for individuals and institutions, such as knowledge and skills building activities, online clinics (ie immediate consultations with experts), peer learnin or mentoring and training programs for institutions. More information on the European Commission's website. Further information, updates and possibilities of involvement will be regularly published on the CZELO website.