Ursula von der Leyen announces new cabinet


The field of research and education is now in the hands of several commissioners.

This morning, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the composition of the new cabinet for the term of office for the next 5 years (2024-2029). This follows recently issued policy guidance which, for example in research and education, calls for a greater role for research and addressing skills challenges.

Until now, a significant part of the field of research and education has been led by the Bulgarian Commissioner Iliana Ivanova (Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth). The area is now divided into several portfolios.

The Startups, Research and Innovation agenda now has a separate commissioner, Ekaterina Zaharieva, meaning research remains in the hands of Bulgaria.

Part of her agenda will, however, be affected by the portfolio of the Finnish Vice-President of the European Commission, Henna Virkkunen, who is newly in charge of Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy. Together with the Bulgarian commissioner, they can thus share part of the innovation and digitization agenda.

In addition, the education, youth and sports agendas now stand separate. The field of education will be newly in the hands of the Romanian European Commissioner Roxana Mînzatu, who received a portfolio called People, Skills and Preparedness.

The area of ​​Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport will now fall under EU Commissioner Glenn Micallef from Malta.

More information can be found in the press release of the European Commission.