SPORT | Apply for a pilot project


The European Commission opened two calls. One focusing on sustainability, one on the humanitarian aid and integration of migrants.

In July, two calls for applications in the field of sports were published, the so called pilot projects (PP):

Pilot projects are an initiative of the European Parliament, which decides on their current focus and budget, while the calls themselves are managed by the EACEA executive agency since 2021. Both individual entities and consortia can apply for the pilot projects 2023 call. The project duration ranges between 12 and 18 months and a budget of 1 428 465 EUR is allocated for this call. One project can receive support of up to 400 000 EUR. The deadline for submitting applications is 17 October at 5 PM CET. All the information necessary to submit an application can be found in the Call document and on the FTOP portal, where applications are to be submitted as well.

The aim of the first abovementioned project is to raise awareness of climate change and to inspire society towards sustainable behaviour through sport, while also supporting a sustainable approach to organizing sport events. The second type will focus on the social inclusion of children and youth affected by a humanitarian crisis or migration caused by war. It is based on the idea that sport can help overcome trauma and improve well-being, facilitate adaptation to a new environment, integration into the school system or employment, and can help establishing relationships with local communities. More info to be found on the EACEA website.