The public consultation will improve the quality of traineeships for young people in the EU. Share your experiences and needs


You can participate online from 12 March to 13 June 2022. The views of young people and all relevant stakeholders are welcomed.

One of the important topics of the European Year of Youth initiative is improving the working conditions of traineeships for young people in Europe. Several steps have already been taken in this respect, see the article on this topic on the CZELO website, another step is the launch of a public consultation on the review of the quality framework for traineeships. This framework was introduced in The Council Recommandation  of 10 March 2014 on a Quality Framework for Traineeships (QFT).  

This public consultation is a follow-up to the review carried out by the European Commission in March 2021. It aims to gather the views of young people who would like to do or have already done a traineeship, organisations representing youth, public employment services, public administrations, academia and all other relevant actors. The information gathered will enable to review if the framework meets the needs of trainees and employers and whether it lacks the elements necessary to improve the quality of traineeships. It will also assess the extent to which the objectives of the Quality Internship Framework have been achieved in the period 2014-2021.

The 2014 Quality Framework for Traineeships was a reaction to the then economic crisis and rising youth unemployment in the European Union. It aimed to help improve the working conditions and educational content of traineeships and to increase transparency. Its main element is a written traineeship agreement, which sets out the educational objectives, appropriate working conditions, rights and obligations and the appropriate duration of the traineeship. The framework should also facilitate access to traineeships abroad by providing principles and guidelines as a starting point. For more information see the Recommendation.  

The public consultation on the review of the Quality Framework for Traineeships is available on the European Commission's website from 12 March to 13 June 2022.