Outcomes of the Competitiveness Council (research part) in September


On 28 September 2021, during the first day of Competitiveness Council dedicated to research, research ministers adopted Council conclusions on a global approach to research and innovation, and exchanged views on governance and implementation of the European Research Area.

In these conclusions, ministers identify key actions to strengthen the EU’s global role in research and innovation, with a strong focus on shared fundamental values and principles, with openness being balanced by prudence, and cooperation by reciprocity. The conclusions take into account the need for strategic autonomy and emphasise freedom of scientific research and gender equality. 

The conclusions call upon the Commission and member states to be ‘as open as possible and as closed as necessary’ in their discussions with global partners, who are considered essential in international R&I cooperation. Ministers also call upon the Commission to explore the set-up of mechanisms for cooperation in the fields of science, innovation and cultural diplomacy, and emphasise the need to protect researchers whose freedom of scientific research is under threat. 

Slovenian Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Simona Kustec

Under AOB, ministers were informed on the state of play of negotiations on institutionalised European partnerships, on the virtual GenderAction conference, which was held on 8-9 July 2021 and the state of play of the association of third countries to Horizon Europe. 

At the meeting, Minister Kustec also presented the Ljubljana Declaration, which is the Slovenian Presidency’s contribution to improving the situation and ensuring the equal and balanced consideration of male and female researchers in the European Research Area. Many ministers at the meeting supported the declaration, which will be published by the end of November. 

More information can be found in official press release.