Find out more about initiatives to promote gender equality in research and innovation


Even in 2022, the European Commission continues to promote greater equality between women and men.

Promoting gender equality in all areas has become one of the European Union's key priorities. The new European Research Area also seeks to create a level playing field for women and men in research, science and education. According to the latest report, She Figures 2021, despite the progress already made, gender equality has still not been achieved. For example, there are still differences between study fields, where, for example, women account for less than a quarter of doctoral graduates in ICT (22%), compared with fields such as health and social care, where they account for more than 60%. Even in 2022, the European Commission continues to promote greater equality between women and men. Read more about some initiatives: 

  • EU Prize for Women Innovators 

EU Prize for Women Innovators is under the auspices of the European Innovation Council and is aimed at talented women entrepreneurs who have set up successful companies bringing new innovations and innovative solutions to the market. The ninth edition has recently been launched. Registration is open until 18 August. The prize is open to all women entrepreneurs in all EU Member States and Associated countries, including Ukraine.  

  • Women Leadership Programme 

Women Leadership Programme is under the auspices of the European Innovation Council and is aimed at women in leadership positions in deep tech companies. The aim is to support the role of women in innovation and technology by improving their skills and using a network dedicated to female researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs. The programme includes personalized mentoring, coaching and participation in networking events. During the year 2022, the second round will be launched. 

  • Women TechEU programme 

Women TechEU programme follows up on last year's pilot programme and will be funded under European Innovation Ecosystems work programme of Horizon Europe. The programme offers the female founders of successful start-ups mentoring, coaching and also targeted financing, which aims to take their business to the next level. The programme is open to women in all EU Member States and Associated countries, including Ukraine. 

  • Women as an expert evaluator to projects 

Currently, women account for only 38% of the total number of evaluators. To evaluate projects, the European Commission invites women to register as evaluators in several fields, from the non-profit sector to business and research organizations. 

Other initiatives are the European Strategy for Universities, Gender Equality Plan in Horizon Europe, campaign #EUWomen4future  and the recently launched Gender Equality Strategy Monitoring Portal.