Apply for the Pilot Project in Emergency Sports Activities for Youth


Until 17 October, you can apply for the project focused on emergency sport actions for youth.

The aim of the Sport Supports - emergency sport actions for youth project is the social inclusion of children and youth affected by humanitarian crisis or migration due to war. It is built on the idea that sport can help with overcoming trauma and well-being, facilitating adaptation to new environments, integration into the school system or the world of work, and establishing relationships with local communities.

The Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions (PPPAs) are an initiative of the European Parliament, which decides on their actual focus and budget. The calls themselves are then launched and managed by the EACEA from 2021 onwards. This year's call is open to both individual applicants and consortia. The project duration varies between 12 and 18 months and a total of €1 920 000 is available for the call. One project can receive support of up to €400,000, so EACEA plans to support around 5-7 projects.

The deadline for submission of applications is 17 October 2024 at 17:00. All the information needed to apply can be found in the Call document or on the FTOP portal where applications are submitted.