Solidarity projects meet-up (15. 10. - 18. 10.)

We invite young people implementing local Solidarity projects for the first international 


Together we’ll create an inspirational learning space, with inputs, exchange of experience and good practice. 

The aim of the MEET-UP is to create a community of Solidarity Project creators and offer support and inspiration by tackling different aspects of the project. 

The program will include a reflection process about challenges and successes within the projects, sharing of good practice among different projects and training inputs relevant for improving the quality of ongoing or future projects. We encourage contributions from participants - might it be a workshop offer, a practical tool, method or anything else you consider helpful for the Solidarity projects community.

  Solidarity Projects MEET-UP will take place from 15. - 18. 10. in Prague, Czech Republic   The application deadline is 7. 9. 2020

  For registration and program, click here   Facebook group HERE

TARGET GROUP    Young people actively involved in implementation of local Solidarity projects       (just approved, ongoing or recently finished);    Ideally 2 members from each project team, but also individuals are welcome;   ★ Basic level of English to be able to actively participate in the program. Attention: this MEET-Up is NOT for European Solidarity Corps volunteers, coaches or members of the supporting organisations.

★OBJECTIVES★      ★ To enhance overall quality of Solidarity projects    ★ To share good practice, methods and resources    ★ To support project development through providing practical tools and approaches     ★ To create an international network and strengthen the European dimension of Solidarity projects    ★ To explore future possibilities and options for follow-up

Safety during the MEET-UP: We take the current situation regarding COVID-19 seriously and appropriate safety measures will be observed during the MEET-UP (single room for each participant, available hand sanitizer, enough space during the activities etc.)

Začátek akce: 15. 10. 2020 16:00

Konec akce: 18. 10. 2020 12:00

Who is the event for
  • Youth
  • Youth workers