IGLO OPEN: What to expect from EIC in 2022

As the 2022 EIC Workprogramme is approved, Latvian office for Innovation & Technology in Brussels (Lat.Tech) invites you to a webinar on Pathfinder and Transition programmes: lessons learned from 2021 and expectations for 2022.

  • Liene Briede, EIC board member, will talk about the work and the tasks of the Board and her vision as a board member
  • Viorel Peca, Head of Unit, Transition and Business Acceleration Services of the European Innovation Council, will shine a light on 2021 of Pathfinder and Transition results and what we should know about 2022 EIC Workprogramme changes.

Participation in the webinar is free of charge but please register in the form here. Registered participants will receive the meeting link shortly before the event.