Circular economy in the Visegrád countries – best practices in the economy and in the society

The transition to a low carbon, resource efficient and circular economy is a common challenge for the Visegrád countries. This transformation is crucial not only to decarbonize our industrial production, and make our economies more sustainable and competitive but also to secure access to raw materials. The current geopolitical circumstances and dependencies from supply chains outside the EU make it even more important to use our resources wisely and more efficiently. At the half-day seminar, we aim to present the efforts of the Visegrád countries through showcases in the field of circular industrial processes, sustainable buildings, agriculture and rare row materials. The engagement of society also is crucial in order to reach a full transition to a circular economy therefore we have invited municipalities, youth and civil associations to present their contribution to the transition to a circular economy.

Programme for the seminar to be found here. 

Register here.