Barrande Fellowships - 2024 Call: Information webinar for students

The Barrande Fellowship Programme provides Ph.D. students in the Czech Republic with opportunities to study in France and Ph.D. students in France with opportunities to study in the Czech Republic. This webinar, coorganized by the French institute in Prague, will acquaint students of French universities with information on doctoral studies in the Czech Republic and their funding, on the scholarship programme and its rules for the applicants. It will also advise them on how to prepare and file the scholarship application. Finally, the alumni who benefited from the mobility to the Czech Republic will share their experiences.

The event welcomes all the Ph.D. students from French universities and their supervisors who seek information about the French-Czech education exchange within the scientific cooperation between French and Czech research teams. The academic exchange enhances the quality of doctoral studies by teaching new skills and proficiencies which are necessary for student's graduation. Moreover, networking encourages doctoral students to pursue their academic careers.

Since 2020, the Barrande Fellowship Programme has been building capacity of the Czech and French universities by promoting cooperation and motivating Ph.D. students to benefit from it. The programme will select the best research projects which involve a foreign partner - either in the Czech Republic, or in France. Scholarships will be awarded by the selection committee (representatives of the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) on the recommendation of expert panels. The programme supports two types of activites: short-term research stays (up to 3 months) and the doctoral degree study under the joint supervision, also known as cotutelle (up to 15 months to be spent at the host institution).

Termín: November 9th 2023, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The event is organized by The French Institute in Prague (IFP) in cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MYES) and the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research.

To attend the event, click here for the registration until November 8th, 2023, 12:00 p.m.