The Commission and the Parliament co-organized the EEA mid-term review event.

The event is part of the CZEDUCON conference and will take place on 21 November in Brno.

Registration is open until 24 November 2023.

The Ostrava Student and Alumni Meetup, held on 12 October, brought together students, alumni, universities and regional partners.

AKTION enters the new programming period. We marked the anniversary of our cooperation in the Ambassador's residence.

European Commission opened the 5th Call, aiming at expansion to at least 60 alliances and establishing a Community of Practice.

The Commission has published the first report on the Digital Decade, including digital skills and digitalisation of businesses.

The Second European Universities Forum was hosted by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The 33rd edition of the international trade fair EAIE 2023 took place in Rotterdam, where 22 universities represented Czechia.