The EC will help regions in a "talent development trap". Read about new initiatives, booster mechanism and pilot calls in 2023.

Applications can be submitted until 22 March. Only European NGOs can be coordinators, partners can be any relevant organisations.

Commission has released the first New European Bauhaus Progress Report, where two new NEB tools were also introduced.

These restrictions do not apply to already approved projects and supported mobilities.

The guarantee has now been extended to cover all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before 31 March 2023.

The ERC Scientific Council decided on changes to the ERC’s application forms and evaluation procedures for the 2024 calls.

On Wednesday 14 December, the final birthday celebration of the iconic European cooperation programme took place in Brussels.

The alliance of research and higher education institutions from 13 European countries was officially launched on 8th December.

The new members will take office on 1 January 2023.