The Central European Joint Infodays will take place on 3-4 December in Bratislava. Don't forget to register.

On 13-14 June in Brno we organised a meeting of 9 Czech universities involved in alliances of European Universities.

There are 14 newly approved alliances in the latest call, bringing the total to 64, of which 12 involve Czech HEIs.

The birthday conference focused both on impact so far and future developments.

On 29 April, a key conference was held on the topics of the European Joint Degree and the legal status of alliances.

This call is for complex projects expected to have a systemic impact on the policy framework at EU, national and regional level.

Applications can be submitted until 5 March 2024. Only ENGOs can be coordinators, but any relevant organisation can be a partner.

The EC and the EACEA organized a day-long information seminar on Erasmus+ projects in the field of sport.

On 10 January, the European Commission published a document with measures to strengthen the role of youth in EU policies

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