The Council adopted Conclusions supporting intergenerational dimension in youth and the Youth Action Plan in EU External action.

The Council of the EU adopted two documents as a result of negotiations led by the Czech Presidency of the Council.

ECA report finds synergies between Horizon 2020 and Structural Funds were not fully exploited.

The grants should help to create almost 2000 work positions. Three of them were also received in Czechia.

The discussion evening EduCafé on the topic of "Combating Disinformation through Education" attracted 60 people.

Have a look at the minutes and apply for a project.

The infodays focusing on Erasmus+ centralised activities took place on 10 and 11 November 2022 in Budapest.

The survey will remain open for replies until 15 June 2023.

The application system will be open on 17 November. The application deadline is 28 February 2023.

The call will focus on decarbonisation, hydrogen technologies, mid-sized pilots and clean-tech manufacturing.