Citizens from all 27 EU countries presented 21 recommendations in Brussels to increase access to and awareness of learning abroad.

Participants learned more about inclusion and integration in Erasmus+ projects at an international seminar in Prague.

Ministers responsible for the youth agenda adopted Council conclusions to promote the role of youth in environmental policymaking.

Another meeting of Erasmus+ traineeship graduates from 10 EU countries took place, this time in the Portuguese Azores.

Check out the new Commission study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education across the EU.

The EU education ministers adopted the document to support the role of vocational and higher education in transferring the skills.

The European Commission has launched a debate on "How to make learning mobility a reality for all?"

Over a hundred academics, policymakers and experts from Czechia and abroad debated the challenges of digitalisation.

How has the situation developed over the past four years and how is the Czech Republic doing?

Read the news from the info day and submit an application for the Centres of Vocational Exellence by 8 June.