Join us for the infodays on Erasmus+ centralised activities

Erasmus+ CZELO

The annual Central European Joint Infodays will take place on 4 and 5 December in Vienna. Registration is open!

The Central European Joint Infodays are organised by Erasmus+ National Agencies from four neighbouring countries: Austria (OeAD), Czechia (DZS|CZELO), Hungary (TPF) and Slovakia (SAAIC). The Infodays are set in the context of the Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2024 and focuse mainly on the international dimension of the programme, i. e. actions supporting cooperation between Programme and Partner Countries in the higher education sector.

The aim of the infodays is to provide encouragement and practical support to potential applicants under the next Erasmus+ call for proposals through in-depth practical presentations and discussions. The event targets representatives of higher education institutions from Austria, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia interested in international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme. This years infodays will be more practical (more information below), therefore they are intended for HEIs representatives with a specific project idea.

Registration is open until 10 October. Once the registration is closed, participants will be selected according to their motivation and the relevance of their project idea. 

The event is organised as a TCA. The travel expenses will be covered by DZS and the accommodation and included meals by the organising OeAD for the selected participants.

Akce je pořádána v rámci TCA. Vybraným účastníkům tak budou hrazeny cestovní náklady na základě smlouvy s DZS a ubytovací náklady ze strany pořadatelské OeAD. 

The following actions will be covered: 

  • Erasmus Mundus (Joint Masters and Design Measures) 

  • Capacity Building in Higher Education 

  • Jean Monnet (Chairs, Modules, Centres of excellence and Networks) 

These centralised actions, managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels, will first be introduced in a more theoretical way during a preparatory online meeting for the selected participants before the event. At the meeting, participants will learn about theoretical background, objectives and priorities of each action. The infodays will then offer more practical activities, with workshops focusing on practical aspects of project preparation and implementation, building on presentations of good practice examples, as well as finding partners for concrete project idea(s) and establishing cooperation with the universities in partner countries represented by their National Erasmus Offices.  

The participants will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from the European Commission and the European Culture and Education Executive Agency (EACEA). 

The aim of the infodays is to provide encouragement and practical support to potential applicants under the next Erasmus+ call for proposals through in-depth practical presentations and discussions. The event targets representatives of higher education institutions from Austria, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia interested in international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme. 

More information can be found on the event website

Register now!*

(*This form is only for the participants from the Czech HEIs, if you are from another country, find the appropriate registration form on the event website.)  

Erasmus Central European Joint Infodays 2023