The final conference of the European Year of Skills showed that endings can be new beginnings.

Overview of the conference on Digital Education Action Plan review.

What did the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Conference organised under the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU bring?

The conference of the V4 liaison offices in Brussels addressed many pressing issues that infrastructures face, such as funding.

Read the minutes of the last IGLO Higher Education meeting focused on "HE package".

The European Commission has approved the so-called Higher Education Package to support this initiative.

The spring EduCafé on microcredentials from the perspective of Czech and Flemish HEIs attracted almost 30 participants.

Update on the EU cooperation with South Korea and Canada.

The recommendations are based on the principles of research integrity, address opportunities and challenges and provide guidance.

The Action Plan to address skills shortages in the labour market is closely linked to education initiatives.