Results of stakeholder consultation on knowledge valorisation


The public consultation was carried out from July to September 2021.

The aim of the consultation was to gather input for co-creating a modern knowledge valorisation policy as part of the new European Research Area. The results of this Stakeholder Consultation indicate the need for the future Guiding Principles to take into account all actors and channels involved in knowledge valorisation and address a broader range of aspects going beyond the scope of the Commission 2008 Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities.

The results show that stakeholders are calling for further development of skills, training and expert support for knowledge valorisation as key areas for the guiding principles. This can also be seen as a need to improve awareness raising regarding knowledge valorisation early in the R&I process. The consultation confirms the need to cover areas such as industry-academia collaboration, the creation of research-driven spin-offs and start-ups, intellectual property management, and knowledge transfer support.

The full report can be found on the European Commission´s website.