The results of the prestigious ERC Proof of Concept are now out


The ERC has published the results of the Proof of Concept. One of the grants goes to Palacky University in Olomouc.

Successful projects include an app to help train musicians to play in a group, and a way to help medical practitioners read and analyse DNA in real time. More than half of successful projects (54%) are based on knowledge gained during frontier research carried out in the domains of physical sciences and engineering. These are followed projects originated from the life sciences (33%) and the proposals from social sciences and humanities (11%). A total of 348 proposals were submitted to the call, of which 166 succeeded. With 48 women grantees, the proportion of women among both applicants and grantees increased from last year.

The Proof of Concept (PoC) grant scheme is open only to applicants who are or have been previously funded by ERC grants. They use PoC funding to develop findings they have made during research projects funded by ERC grants and to start their commercialisation.

CZELO congratulates Michal Otyepka from Palacký University, who succeeded with his FunGraB project.

For more information, visit the European Research Council's website.