Newly launched Knowledge Centre will help EU to fight against cancer


On 30 June 2021, the Europen Commission launched the Knowledge Centre on Cancer, the first Flagship action delivered under Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. The Knowledge Centre is a new online platform to gather evidence and coordinate actions against the number one cause of death among under-65s in Europe. It will map the latest evidence on cancer, provide healthcare guidelines and quality assurance schemes, as well as monitor and project trends in cancer incidence and mortality across the EU.

The Knowledge Centre on Cancer is an independent knowledge broker providing evidence-based support to policies, while expanding the Commission's existing IT systems, gateways, portals, platforms and databases on cancer. The newly launched centre aims to:

  • Map and provide the latest evidence and statistics on cancer;
  • Monitor cancer trends so that the effectiveness of preventive strategies and screening programmes can be evaluated;
  • Provide European guidelines for cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis and care to improve cancer outcomes and reduce inequalities between EU regions;
  • Help shape policies for cancer prevention related to the environment and healthy lifestyles, including tobacco and alcohol control;
  • Identify research or policy gaps;
  • Provide a space to coordinate many cancer initiatives on one platform;
  • Help to reduce inequalities in cancer prevention and care across the EU.

Source of information used: European Commission´s press release