Matchmaking event for Cluster 6 of HE attracted 130 researchers


The event offered matchmaking in the fields of biodiversity, circular economy, climate and linked partnerships.

Close to 110 participants and 22 presenters from all over Europe and beyond joined the Matchmaking event on cluster 6 of Horizon Europe on 29 June. The event was a follow-up activity of the V4 Conference „Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships”, which took place two weeks earlier. Both the conference and the brokerage were organised by Brussels-based V4 liaison offices.

The event brought the attention of participants representing various academic and non-academic institutions as well as start-ups and companies operating in the field of biodiversity, clean and protected environment, and circular economy not only across V4, but from all over Europe and beyond.

The matchmaking event served them as an opportunity for networking, mobilising and reinforcing cooperation in the following areas of cluster 6 of Horizon Europe:

  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services and related Biodiversa+ Partnership,
  • Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors and related Circular Bio-Based Europe JU,
  • Clean environment and zero pollution,
  • Land, ocean and water for climate action and related Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) and Water4All Partnership.

Attendees were provided with a brief overview of upcoming funding opportunities under Cluster 6 of Horizon Europe, and a few related European partnerships, with a special focus on pre-announced 2nd Call of the Biodiversa+ European Partnership, which will be launched on 8 September 2022. They were invited to register on Biodiversa+ Partner Search as well as to join the information webinar on its upcoming call on 20 September. Participants learnt also about the activities of the EuropaBON network as well as the benefits waiting for everyone who wishes to become its member.