Help shape the Pathways to School Success initiative


Have your say in the public consultation on tackling underachievement in basic skills and early leaving from education or training

Did you know, that:

  • too many pupils in the European Union leave education and training without upper secondary qualifications?
  • one in five young people still do not reach sufficient competences in reading, mathematics or science before leaving education and training?
  • pupils’ well-being and sense of belonging to school is declining with many suffering from bullying or violence at school?

The consultation inputs shall be then reflected to the ‘Pathways to school success’ initiative, which the Commission plans to launch in order to achieve the European Education Area by 2025.

The initiative should contribute to better educational outcomes and the involvement of vulnerable groups, in particular:

  • to help pupils reach a baseline level of proficiency in basic skills (reading, maths and science)
  • to reduce early leaving from education/training
  • to motivate pupils to complete upper secondary education.

How to address these problems? Share your opinion and experience - the consultation is open until September 30, 2021.