European Battery Academy launched


The sixth session of the European Battery Aliance discussed the progress in the battery value chain.

In addition to the priority objectives for 2022, the provisions of the European Battery Academy were presented at the sixth session of the EBA. An amount of € 10 million to support the Academy was confirmed by a signature between the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the European Commission. The main goal of this newly established institution is to coordinate re-skilling and up-skilling of the European workforce, given the future need of around 800,000 specialists in the battery value chain. 

The meeting also addressed the current state of the battery value chain. There are currently 111 major projects in the EU targeting various parts of the chain worth € 127 billion. In view of this assessment, the priority points of action for 2022 were presented: 

  • Swift agreement on and adoption of the regulation on sustainable batteries; 

  • Diversification of sources of battery raw materials through cooperation with trade partner countries;

  • Streamlining permitting procedures for battery raw material projects in Member States;

  • Improving and facilitating access to funding for projects in Europe;

  • The launch of national re-skilling and up-skilling programmes, taking advantage of the newly-established EBA Academy.

Find detailed meeting notes on the website of the European Commission.

If you are interested in collaborating with the EBA Academy and expanding your institution's portfolio, continue to the EBA website.