Euratom to support Ukrainian scientists under the 2021-2022 work programme


With increased financial support to the EUROfusion consortium and a new innovation action targeting nuclear security.

With a modification of Euroatom’s work programme for 2021-2022, the European Commission plans to support Ukrainian scientists and engineers and increase nuclear security. In particular, the budget of the EUROfusion consortium will be increased by EUR 2.5 million to provide support to Ukrainian fusion scientists. The second measure will launch an Innovative Action with a budget of EUR 10 million. Its task is to increase the security of nuclear fuel supply to 35 Water-Water Energetic Reactors (VVER). To date, most of these reactors have exclusively used nuclear fuel imported from Russia. With this initiative (same as with e.g. REPowerEU initiative) the European Commission is trying to reduce European demand for Russian fuels.

The new Innovation Action is expected to attract all relevant EU and Ukrainian players, such as nuclear utilities, regulators, industry and the academic sector with the aim to diversify the nuclear fuel supply in Europe. The call for proposals for the Innovation Action will be published shortly on the FTO portal.