Digital Europe − the new EU programme


The Digital Europe funding programme is focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations.

Green and digital "twin transitions" are among the EU's top priorities and the new Digital Europe programme should significantly contribute to the latter. Since discussions with Member States (MS) are still ongoing, the programme has not been approved yet. Adoption of the work programme is envisaged in September 2021, followed by first calls – however, signing the grant agreements can not be expected before the end of this year.

The programme will support 5 thematic clusters:

  • High-performance computing (HPC)
  • Artificial intelligence, data and cloud

  • Cybersecurity

  • Advanced digital skills (including design and implementation of study programmes and courses, internships and digital transformation of education itself)

  • Best use of digital technologies across the economy and society


The programme has been designed to be as complementary as possible to other EU programmes and instruments that are open to investments in the digital area. Unlike Horizon Europe, Digital Europe will not support research, but real outputs. It aims to promote joint investments, contribute to Europe's technological sovereignty, improve its preparedness for economic and societal challenges, support small and medium-sized enterprises, ensure the deployment of the latest technologies in all EU regions and achieve Europe's independence on a global scale.

A seminar dedicated to the Digital Europe was organized by SwissCore on 6 July, for more information about the programme read the minutes (CZ only).