CZELO invites you to the first EduCafé


The topic of discussion will be inclusion of pupils with migrant background in education.

The Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO), in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU, invites you to the first discussion evening on education, the EduCafé, which will take place on Tuesday 7 June 2022 at the premises of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU in Brussels. The event is intended for experts in education and for the general public interested in the topic. 

The topic of the first EduCafé will be the inclusion of pupils with migrant background in education, more specifically the current situation in the Czech Republic – what are the developments in recent years, the impact of e.g., the Covid-19 crises or the arrival of refugees from Ukraine, and what are the future challenges. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions from the audience during the discussion. The discussion will be held in English.

The invitation was accepted by Kristýna Titěrová from the META organization and Štěpán Kment from PAQ Research. 

Kristýna Titěrová is the program director of the META organization (Association for the Opportunities of Young Migrants), and she has been involved in the integration of children and young people with migrant background into schools for 15 years. Kristýna studied Cultural studies at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University. In META, she focuses primarily on the development of services and their quality, as well as the promotion of equal opportunities in education. 

Štěpán Kment is an education researcher at PAQ Research, a Czech think-tank. After studying Education and International Development at the UCL IoE and the University of Cambridge, he focuses on themes of equity, governance, and marginalized groups. Štěpán has previously worked at the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on COVID-19 catch-up programme and collaborated with the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic regarding the current curricular reform. 

The discussion will be moderated by Martin Bogdan from the ACA (Academic Cooperation Association). Within ACA, Martin works as a project manager and he also chairs a thematic peer group focused on inclusion and widening participation in international higher education. 
Register for the event via the online form (you can register until Monday 6 June).  
