Apply for a study visit focusing on the international cooperation in higher education in Brussels


The applications are now open for a short-term study visit from 15 to 19 April. The application deadline is 9 February.

The study visit is primarily intended for internationalisation officers, project managers from the Rector's Offices, faculties and departments, and other staff of Czech HEIs involved in or interested in the internationalisation of higher education.

During the week-long group visit, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the EU policy on international education, the European Education Area and current strategies, and to delve deeper into the functioning of the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the group visit is to give participants the opportunity to better understand the European organisations and the EU institutions and their activities in the field of international education, to introduce them to how the project offices at Belgian universities operate and to help Czech institutions to find suitable foreign partners for future cooperation.  

The group visit will consist of thematic meetings with staff of the EU institutions, representatives of universities and university networks based in Brussels, experts from the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU, representatives of Belgian universities and other Brussels stakeholders. Throughout the visit, participants will be accompanied by the CZELO office staff. The final programme of the visit will be also determined depending on the profiles of the selected participants and the current situation.  

The visit will take place between 15 and 19 April and applications are open until 9 February inclusive. Candidates selection will be based on their motivation letters (in English), which are included in the registration form. As the majority of programme will take place in English, at least B2 level is required. A total of 7 places are available, ideally, each place should be covered by a different institution. Applicants will be notified of the results no later than 14 February 2023. Before the visit itself, there will be a preparatory webinar, where participants will learn in more detail about the programme and its content, as well as the expectations to fulfill so that the visit goes smoothly. All the participants are expected to be actively involved in the programme, to share the experiences and good practice from their universities and to participate in the debates.  

Participation in the study visit is free of charge, travel and accommodation costs are to be covered by the sending institution/participant. The cost of the visit cannot be funded by Erasmus+ grants. 

Apply via the registration form.

CZELO_2024_ Odborná stáž vzdělávání