International Conference ICAReAlumni 2024 at CTU: An Inspirational Gathering of Alumni Relations Experts


Study in Czechia

CTU in Prague hosted the prestigious International ICAReAlumni 2024 Conference, bringing together Alumni Relations experts.

International Conference ICAReAlumni 2024 at CTU

The Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague became the venue for the prestigious international conference ICAReAlumni 2024, held on June 13th and 14th at the Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies. This event welcomed experts in alumni relations from around the world.

Oleg Fetisov, a representative of CTU, expressed his delight at co-organising this significant event: "ICAReAlumni is a leading conference that brings together experts in alumni relations from around the world. It was a great honor for CTU to host this conference this year and create opportunities not only for sharing best practices but also for discussing innovative trends, tools, and methodologies for networking, and strengthening the professional community."

The ICAReAlumni 2024 conference also featured the national programs Czechia Alumni and Study in Czechia initiative. Participants had the opportunity to attend presentations by Michaela Takácsová on "How to Think Strategically in Alumni Marketing" and Lucie Matějková on "Leveraging Alumni Events for National Educational Advancement," focused on sharing experiences from the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS) in developing alumni relations, marketing, and ambassadorial agendas.

Representatives from the DZS emphasized that involving national alumni programs in international conferences is not only meaningful but also inspiring. This collaboration brought valuable insights for further development of the national Czechia Alumni program and enhanced work with international alumni. DZS also appreciated the interest of Czech universities in this topic.

"Collaboration between key institutions in the Czech higher education sector improves care for international talents, which directly impacts the retention and development of the state's economy. We consider the hosting of this international conference in Czechia a significant contribution, for which we are grateful to the Czech Technical University in Prague," stated representatives from the DZS.

ICAReAlumni 2024 became a key event for professionals focused on Alumni Relations, highlighting innovation and excellence in alumni engagement. For more information and details about the conference, visit the ICAReAlumni website or watch the video directly from the conference: