On 4 July, the official opening of the exhibition took place in Brussels. The event attracted almost 50 participants.

Our new clip encourages international research and educational institutions to cooperate with their Czech counterparts

Anyone who is interested in development and innovation in digital education can join the Community.

With increased financial support to the EUROfusion consortium and a new innovation action targeting nuclear security.

The new final report presents the results of Erasmus+ projects from 2014-2020 promoting inclusion in education.

On Wednesday 15 June the infosession on Virtual Exchanges in higher education and youth took place.

The first focuses on the European approach to microcredentials, the second on the individual learning accounts.

Member States have committed to making learning for sustainability a priority in their education systems.

V4 conference opened with policy and science pannels. Matchmaking event will follow.

Measures to widen participation are well designed but sustainable change will mostly depend on efforts by national authorities.