The fourth annual CZEDUCON conference is dedicated to the development of strategies and policies in the field of higher education.

After Germany, Austria and Malta, Czechia became the fourth country which hosted the meeting of graduates of Erasmus+ internships.

The 32nd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition took place in Barcelona. This year, 22 Czech universities represented our country.

The 32nd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition started yesterday in Barcelona. It will run until the 16th of September.

European youth representatives, policymakers and experts attended the conference from the 11th to the 13th of July.

Our new clip encourages international research and educational institutions to cooperate with their Czech counterparts

Together with the Czech Embassy in Stockholm, we organized the first gathering of international graduates of Czech universities.

We represented Czechia at the meeting of representatives of academic exchange agencies from G7 countries and partners.